September 10, 2024

Introducing the STL Startup Week 2024 Community Awards: Real Impact, Real People

St. Louis is full of movers, shakers, and people quietly making things happen behind the scenes. And this year, we're giving those folks the recognition they deserve. 

Welcome to the first-ever STL Startup Week 2024 Community Awards, a celebration of the people and companies who are truly driving our startup ecosystem forward.

Whether you're a founder, mentor, investor, or someone championing diversity and inclusion, we want to shine a light on those who’ve made a real difference in the St. Louis startup community over the last year.

Why This Award Is Different

You’ve probably seen it before: award ceremonies that feel more like a popularity contest or a gala with a hefty price tag. That’s not our style. 

The STL Startup Week Community Awards focus on one thing— impact. No big sponsorships, no fancy dinner tickets— just a straightforward acknowledgment of the people who are pushing boundaries and making our ecosystem better.

Our goal is to recognize those who’ve been hustling to support, inspire, and lead in ways that aren’t always seen. Whether they’re mentoring the next generation of founders or building bridges between startups and the rest of the business world, we’re here to celebrate the real contributors in our community.

What Are We Celebrating?

There’s a lot of hard work happening in St. Louis, and we want to make sure it’s recognized across the board. Here are the categories we’re focusing on:

  • Founder of the Year (individual) For the fearless leaders steering their startups through thick and thin.
    • Awarded to the founder who has shown outstanding leadership, resiliency, tenacity, or growth. This award recognizes a founder whose vision and dedication have propelled their startup to new heights, making a lasting difference in their industry and community. 

  • Student Founder of the Year (individual, two awards)High school and college entrepreneurs who are juggling school work and startups, proving you can start big even when you’re young.
    • Awarded to a high schooler, and undergrad/graduate student who has shown exceptional initiative, creativity, and determination in launching and growing their startup while balancing academic commitments. This award celebrates a young leader who is making a significant impact through their innovation, leadership, and passion for entrepreneurship. 

  • Investor of the Year (individual or company)Those who aren’t just cutting checks but are true partners in helping early-stage companies grow.
    • Awarded to an angel investor, venture capitalist, or funder who has demonstrated steadfast support of early-stage founders through strategic investments, mentorship, and active involvement. This award recognizes investors who not only provide capital but also serve as invaluable partners, helping entrepreneurs grow, scale, and achieve success.

  • Corporate Customer of the Year (company) – For the businesses that see value in startups and actively support their growth through partnerships, contracts, and mentorship.
    • Awarded to a for-profit business or corporation who actively supports the growth and success of startups by embracing innovation and forming strategic partnerships. This award honors a corporate customer that has demonstrated a commitment to collaborating with early-stage companies, driving mutual success through contracts, mentorship, and market opportunities.


  • Mentor of the Year (individual) – The people behind the scenes who help entrepreneurs grow, learn, and succeed, often without asking for anything in return.
    • Awarded to an individual who, either formally or informally, mentors emerging, first-time, or underrepresented entrepreneurs by sharing their skills, experiences, and network. This award honors an individual who has made an exceptional impact on the growth and development of entrepreneurs. Any qualifying mentorship for this award should be uncompensated (i.e. without consulting fees, management fees, carry, etc).

  • Startup Event of the Year (organization)An event that brought together the community and made a lasting impact.
    • Awarded to an organization who produces a memorable, impactful, and accessible event for entrepreneurs in the St. Louis region. This award celebrates an event that has successfully brought together entrepreneurs, investors, industry leaders, and other key players to inspire new ideas, create valuable connections, and drive the startup ecosystem forward. Qualifying events should ideally be open to the general public and free of charge. 

  • Community Builder of the Year (individual)For the selfless connectors who make sure the St. Louis startup scene stays collaborative and supportive.
    • Awarded to an individual who is selfless, collaborative, welcoming, and actively works to spread awareness and opportunities with the St. Louis startup ecosystem. This award recognizes a leader who actively connects entrepreneurs, resources, and opportunities, helping to create an ecosystem where startups can collaborate, grow, and succeed together. 

  • DEIB Champion of the Year (individual)Celebrating those advancing diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in our community.
    • Awarded to an individual who has made significant contributions to advancing diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging within the St. Louis startup community. This award celebrates leaders who demonstrate an unwavering commitment to fostering an environment where everyone, regardless of their background, identity, or experience, feels valued and empowered to thrive. 

Each of these categories is about going the extra mile to create lasting change and growth for startups in our region.

Why You Should Nominate Someone (or Yourself!)

If someone (or you!) has made a real difference in the St. Louis startup scene, it’s time to give credit where it’s due. 

Know a founder who’s been grinding? An investor who’s more of a partner than just a check-writer? A mentor who’s always there to help someone navigate their next move? Nominate them— or nominate yourself! 

We’re all about celebrating the people who make an impact, even if they don’t shout about it from the rooftops.

Self-nominations are totally encouraged. Let’s face it, a lot of you out there are doing amazing things behind the scenes, and we want to hear about it. It’s time to tell your story because if you’ve put in the work, you deserve to be recognized.

Why We’re Excited to Launch These Awards

This award gives us a chance to reflect on how far St. Louis has come as a startup hub. We’ve seen firsthand how resilient, creative, and diverse this community is, and these awards are about celebrating that. Whether you're in tech, healthcare, social enterprise, or anything in between, St. Louis is home to startups that are making a real difference, both locally and beyond.

And plus, St. Louis is different. We’re not trying to be Silicon Valley, and that’s what makes us great. Our startup ecosystem is built on collaboration, inclusivity, and community. It’s not about who’s making the most noise— it’s about who’s making the most impact. We have a city full of innovators and creators who genuinely want to lift each other up, and that’s something to be proud of.

From tech founders in coworking spaces to community builders making sure everyone has access to the resources they need, St. Louis is a city that thrives on diversity of thought and experience. 

Key Dates to Keep in Mind

Mark your calendars! Here’s the timeline for the STL Startup Week 2024 Community Awards:

  • Nominations Open: September 10, 2024
  • Nominations Close: October 18, 2024
  • Finalists Announced: October 30, 2024
  • Awards Presented: November 14, 2024 at STL Startup Week

Ready to Nominate? Let’s Do This.

Whether it’s someone you know or yourself, now’s the time to make your nomination. It’s quick and easy— just use the Airtable link, and you’ll be good to go.

👉 Nominate here

Let’s celebrate the founders, mentors, and community builders who make St. Louis the place where big ideas happen. We can’t wait to see the incredible nominations roll in!